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Applying to ESEO

Apply for a Preparatory or Bachelor's degree. Prerequisites, admission procedures, platforms: find out what you need to do to join this course.

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Prerequisites for applying

Scientific preparation

    • General Bac

International Engineering Prep / IT and Electronics Engineering Prep

    • General Baccalaureate or Technological Baccalaureate

Applying as a French student

Admission to this secure 5-year engineering course is via Parcoursup. Selection is made via the Puissance Alpha competition.

Parcoursup website

Applying as a foreign student

Applicants from outside the French education system (outside Parcoursup) can be admitted via Études en France.

The Études en France website

Applying under the parallel procedure

You can also submit your application under the parallel procedure.

The 2025 admissions campaign will open in November 2024.

Prerequisites for applying

Scientific preparation

    • Bac 1/2 Scientific

International Engineering Prep / IT and Electronics Engineering Prep

    • Bac 1/2 Scientific and/or Technical

Applying under the parallel procedure

You can also submit your application under the parallel procedure.

The next admissions campaign will open in January 2025.

Prerequisites for applying

Bachelor of Computer and Electronics Engineering / Bachelor of Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence Engineering

    • General or technological baccalaureate

Applying as a French student

This secure 6-year engineering course is accessible via Parcoursup. Students are selected on the basis of a portfolio and a motivation interview.

Parcoursup website

Applying as a foreign student

Applicants from outside the French education system (outside Parcoursup) can be admitted via Études en France.

The Études en France website

Applying under the parallel procedure

You can also submit your application under the parallel procedure.

The next admissions campaign will open in January 2025.

Prerequisites for applying

Bachelor of Computer and Electronics Engineering / Bachelor of Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence Engineering

    • Baccalaureate 1/2 in science and/or technology

Applying under the parallel procedure

You can also submit your application for a parallel procedure via Admission ESEO.

The next admissions campaign will open in January 2025.