Applying to ESEO
Apply for a Preparatory Year or a Bachelor's degree. Prerequisites, admission procedures, platforms: find out how to join ESEO.
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I would like to join the training
Your application to the ESEO preparatory school after a baccalauréat
Scientific preparation
- General Bac
International Engineering Prep / IT and Electronics Engineering Prep
- General Baccalaureate or Technological Baccalaureate
Applying as a French student
Admission to the 5-year secure engineering course, a preparatory engineering cycle, is accessible via Parcoursup. Selection is made via the Puissance Alpha competition.
Applying as a foreign student
For applicants from outside the French education system (outside Parcoursup), admission is available via the Campus France, Études en France application platform.
Parallel procedure
In special cases, or if in doubt, you can submit your application under the parallel procedure.
The next admissions campaign will open in January 2025.
Prerequisites for applying
Bachelor’s degree in Computer and Electronics Engineering
- General or technological baccalaureate
Bachelor Web3 & Blockchain / Bachelor Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence / Bachelor Sustainable Computer Science / Bachelor Full-Stack Developer
- General Baccalaureate (with or without science option), Technological or Vocational Baccalaureate
Applying as a French student
This secure 6-year engineering course is accessible via Parcoursup. Students are selected on the basis of a portfolio and a motivation interview.
Applying as a foreign student
Applicants from outside the French education system (outside Parcoursup) can be admitted via Études en France.
Applying under the parallel procedure
You can also submit your application under the parallel procedure.
The next admissions campaign will open in January 2025.