The GDR Ondes, URSI France and the IEEE French EMC Chapter now invite you to take part in the CEM 2024 Workshop, to be held on our Angers campus.
This event is aimed at the ElectroMagnetic Compatibility community and related interested communities, in particular PhD students, post-docs, young researchers and current engineers, to share knowledge and advances in this field through tutorials and presentations/posters.
Contributions to this workshop are mainly expected from doctoral students, post-doctoral students, young researchers and engineers in post. They may include not only presentations of research results, but also of a research theme and the associated state of the art (e.g. for doctoral students at the start of their thesis).
The two-day programme includes
Tutorials on various EMC-related topics:
- M. Magdowski (Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg): “Why the wire is on fire?
- G. Andrieu (XLIM)/C. Jullien (Safran): vibrating reverberation chambers
- P. Besnier (IETR): contributions of machine learning to EMC modelling
- V. Deniau (Université Gustave Eiffel): intentional electromagnetic interference and source geolocation
- C. Jullien/S. Lalléchère (Safran): EMC of aeronautical power chains
- M. Stojanovic (Valeo)/R. Perdriau/M. Ramdani (ESEO): EMC of integrated circuits
Oral presentations (To be confirmed) A “problem-solving” session enabling participants to help each other with scientific questions relating to EMC
A cocktail will conclude the first day.
Registration deadline: 25 November 2024