We are very proud to announce the signing of a partnership agreement between ESEO, Grande Ecole d’Ingénieurs and BSB, Grande Ecole de Management, for a brand new double-diploma: “engineer-manager”.
This collaboration will provide a unique opportunity for students from both schools to combine technical skills and expertise that are particularly sought after by companies!
New research and innovation projects
As Sonia WANNER, Managing Director of ESEO, points out:“I am convinced that this collaboration will encourage the emergence of joint research and innovation projects, while offering enriching prospects for our students in terms of internships, academic exchanges and professional integration. Together, we aim to train a new generation of leaders capable of meeting the challenges, needs and demands of the global marketplace.”
The agreement was signed on 4 March on the BSB campus in Dijon in the presence of Sonia Wanner, Stephan Bourcieu, Cyril Vallée, Vincent Thomas, Nathalie Huet and Niki Papadopoulou.
ESEO and BSB are both part of the ten higher education establishments of the future EPE (Etablissement Public Experimental) Université Bourgogne-Europe.