On Friday 18 October 2024, Sonia Wanner, Director General of ESEO, and René Siret, Director General of ESA, signed a new agreement to strengthen the partnership between ESEO and ESA, initiated in 2017.

The signing of this partnership agreement is aimed at achieving the same objective: pooling skills. Each of the entities, already committed since 2017, will be encouraged to promote its DNA while enhancing its key expertise: ESEO and itsmasteryin the fields of electronics and IT, and ESA and its know-how in agronomic, environmental and food transitions.
This collaboration is made possible by the pooling of material resources (premises, equipment, etc.) as well as human resources (shared teaching activities, organisation of training courses, etc.). It will also enable research partnerships to be set up, scientific results to be promoted and disseminated, and industrial partnerships to be developed jointly.
The strengthening of this partnership agreement aims to promote inclusion through specific joint activities, such as Disability Week, Anti-Racism and Anti-Semitism Week and the Industri’elles collective, which aims to transform the image of industry among young women. The cooperation also includes a student support strand, with the aim of initiating a range of actions to prevent students from dropping out of school (initial training, apprenticeships, etc.).
Finally, ESEO Angers and ESA are working together to promote internationalisation by studying joint initiatives to encourage student and staff mobility, and by setting up a joint welcome desk.