![Option Logiciel et Données - ESEO](https://www.eseo.fr/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/formation-cycle-ingenieur-option-logiciel-donnees-eseo-scaled.jpeg)
Elective major - Software and data
- Objective
- Teaching units
- Target professions
- Channel
The aim of the "Software & Data" option is to train operational engineers in the engineering and management of information systems. Their training prepares them to be key players in the development of future applications of new information and communication technologies (NICT).
Software and data engineers are capable of designing a software solution based on customer specifications, taking into account the technical constraints associated with the given technological environment, and producing a complete software product that meets the specifications. You will also be able to manage an entire project, from planning to team management.
Teaching units
Semester 8
- Software Engineering Project: 13 ECTS – 159h
- Web Architectures and Technologies and Relational Databases: 4 ECTS – 56h
- web architecture, RDB design, advanced RDB techniques
- Energy Transition & Issues: 5 ECTS – 56h
- Energy and societal transition, Fossil fuels and carbon accounting, Climate change and energy challenges
- Decision support and bio-inspired computing: 2 ECTS – 29.5h
- Management and information systems: 2 ECTS – 12.5h
- Testing: 2 ECTS – 28h
- Web Technologies and Continuous Integration: 2 ECTS – 28h
Semester 9
- End-of-studies project: 14 ECTS – 168h 8 elective teaching units (each worth 2 ECTS for 28 hours) from among: 16 ECTS – 224h
- Object-oriented software design: design patterns
- Artificial Intelligence: Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence, Project
- .NET platform
- Android project
- Responsible engineering
- IS and corporate strategy: ERP/CRM – Business Intelligence – IS urbanisation – Change management – IS and strategy: case study – Digital transformation
- Advanced databases and NoSQL
- Web technologies and continuous integration
- Client applications for the Web with React
- Technology watch
- Hybrid mobile development
- Exchange security
- Security audits
- VMware infrastructure
- Offensive security
- Cryptography
- Docker infrastructure
- Openstack cloud infrastructure
- Software quality
- Advanced testing
- Secure and efficient programming
Semester 10
- End-of-studies work placement: 30 ECTS
- End-of-studies work placement
Target professions
ESEO basics
double degrees
partner companies
partner universities worldwide
hiring within 6 months